7-Day Free Trial

Free 7-Day Trial on our Answering Services!
Live Answering Network (LAN) offers a no risk, no obligation 7-Day Free Trial. The free trial allows for first time customers to experience the quality and professionalism of our answering service. Regardless of your industry, LAN seeks to prove to you that your calls will be handled with the quality that your business deserves, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The 7-Day Free Trial is open to new customers from a verified business* and is only valid on our Starter plan of 50 calls answered by a live receptionist. If the call volume should surpass 50 calls in the first 7 days, customer will be billed our standard rates. There are no free trials on our higher call plans and those plans will be billed and prorated accordingly.
Customers may cancel at anytime during the first 7 days of service. There are no setup or activation fees on new accounts, nor any monthly contracts on any of our answering service plans.
Please take a moment and complete our online application to activate your free trial to experience America’s premier answering service for business!
TERMS OF 7-DAY FREE TRIAL: The 7-Day Free Trial is being offered to show the quality of our answering service and must be used consecutively for at least 3 days during the trial period in order to be valid. Customer must have at least 3 messages taken by our live receptionists during this period, or will be billed a pro-rated amount for the monthly billing period based on the date of account activation, which will be less than the plan rate.
Failure to cancel or contact a Live Answering Network agent (who may reach out to you to offer assistance) after signing up for service to work through any service issues is solely the responsibility of the customer as LAN needs to be made aware of any desire to cancel or troubles in forwarding calls, as well as other related issues, in order to properly assist. Cancellations must be done in writing, as per our Terms of Service (TOS), and done within the 7-day period by email to be valid; otherwise, normal monthly plan charges will apply and are non-refundable.
*In order to verify your business, please provide a business website url (or) copy of business registration (or) a copy of a paid business directly listing. This information will be requested after signup and should be supplied along with your billing authorization form. If you would like to proceed without verification, you may begin service without a trial period on any of our affordable pricing plans. LAN reserves the right to decline any application for service.